It is a legal duty for landlords and employers to consider the risk of Legionnaires’ Disease and take suitable precautions.
Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by the inhalation of small droplets of contaminated water containing Legionella. All man-made hot and cold water systems are likely to provide an environment where Legionella can grow. It is a simple fact that the organism will colonise both large and small systems so both require risks to be managed effectively.
It is your legal duty as a landlord, employer or person in control of the premises to consider the risk and take suitable precautions to protect your staff or members of the public from the risk of infection.
Clear Flow Water Solutions have undertaken literally hundreds of Risk Assessments relating to the prevention of Legionnaires Disease. It is a legal requirement for a survey to be carried out every two years in any premises where a permanent work activity takes place. It has been our duty to report and advise our clients of the potential risks with specific regard to their premises.
We have carried out Risk Assessments for a wide range of clients ranging from those who have an extensive knowledge of ACOP L8 and their duties within its compliance; to those who have been given the initial task of forming a plan of action from scratch.
Their reports are written with universality in mind with all aspects of the disease and guidelines outlined. With that in mind, each particular issue within a report has its cause and effect’ clearly explained and justified with jargon kept to a minimum with ‘score ratings’ and ‘risk percentages’ avoided.
We enjoy a close and confidential relationship with our clients and are happy to help with any subsequent recommendations, including:
- The creation of a written scheme of work detailing an ongoing Control & Monitoring Regime
- Implementation of the scheme whether it be with Clear Flow or another contractor
- Recommendation and quotations of any remedial works
- Carrying out or overseeing of remedial works
For further information about our Legionella Risk Assessments services, call us on 01732 360721.