Clear Flow Water Solutions has expert knowledge in water hygiene management and treatment. We are able to provide independent advice on the management of water hygiene for specific sites or projects.
Clear Flow can provide a range of services from on-site analysis, to the collection of samples which are submitted to an accredited independent laboratory, through to risk management and the creation of bespoke annual water regimes.
Working in partnership with our UKAS accredited independent laboratories, we are able to provide clients with a full analysis of their water hygiene requirements. If the sample results highlight any issues, we will recommend the appropriate measures to rectify the situation.
The most commonly requested samples are:
- Legionella Bacteria (Risk assessments available on request)
- TVC/Pseudomonas/Sulphite Reducing Bacteria (closed Systems)
- Bacteriological
All recommendations are designed to ensure our clients comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) L8 and Technical Guidance HSG 274, BS8558 as well as other industry standards and legal requirements for water safety.
For further information about our Water Treatment and Hygiene services, call us on 01732 360721.